Cada día, según estadísticas mundiales, las personas leen menos periódicos impresos y mas noticias en digital, a través de sus computadoras o dispositivos móviles. Pero existen tantos portales diferentes, que solamente los que aporten valor a los consumidores podrán establecerse y quedarse en la mente de los lectores.
Es por ello que cuando vinos los datos de la cantidad de visitas del portal no nos sorprendimos, porque sabemos con la profesionalidad y calidad que se trabaja la noticia desde la dirección de José Peguero, su fundador y editor en jefe.
Este portal, que ya tiene 4 años en el mercado, informa con con noticias del mundo del espectáculo, noticias del momento, deportivas, económicas, tanto nacionales como internacionales.
Oigan estos datos: del 15 de oct. 2010 al 15 de oct 2011 tiene 1 millón 976,000 visitas y y acumula un total de 3 millones 928,000 paginas vistas.
Otro dato relevante, es la cantidad de medios que lo utilizan como fuente de consulta, llegando a un 33.25% de las visitas que vienen referenciadas de otros medios de comunicación.
Para escuchar el audio completo de la entrevista, activa el reproductor
Excelente intervención de mi hermano y amigo José Peguero.
HEY FILLED NEGRO!!!!!I just listened to your Malcolm X “House Negro” seceph.Do you mind documenting for us WHO most typifies the “House Negro” today in the way of examples?* When Jesse Jackson, immediately after the 2004 election loss to evil George W Bush called up John Kerry and demanded that he WITHDRAW his concession – was this “House Negro Behavior”? It seemed that Jesse Jackson NEEDED John Kerry and the Democrats to win more than Kerry wanted to win.* Malcolm X referred to “OUR Astronauts”. When I hear Progressive-Fundamentalists talk about OUR TAX MONEY is being wasted on CORPORATIONS and the RICH – do you see them doing anything to REMOVE their contribution of money from this pot and CREATING THEIR OWN POT so that their funds won’t be misappropriated? OR is it understood by all that because they get BACK more than they PUT IN – they, in their right mind, would not DARE disconnect their umbilical cord from the stomach lining of the beast. * ARE YOU “RUNNING FROM THE WHITE MAN” Filled Negro? Or does the warmth that radiates from his body and your close proximity prove comforting to you?WHY would you want him to give you HEALTH CARE, thus injecting unknown substances from Pharmaceutical Corporations into your body in the name of SOCIAL JUSTICE RIGHTS?With you now in control over the schools – WHY haven’t you trained up more BLACK DOCTORS and CHEMISTS who could inspect these concoctions and determine their fitness?Are you sure that you are a Malcolm X-ists or are you merely wearing the t-shirt because it is “cool” to do so?